What does “effective inventory management” mean?
Let us analyze this phrase in parts: stocks, management, efficiency. Inventories (stocks - eng.) -…

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Basics of Effective Entrepreneurship
How does optimal stock management and effective inventory management compare? Optimal inventory management is SKU…

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The economic basis of effective management
Effective management of the sales department of products - the center of marginal profit is…


To help those who open their own business, create favorable conditions for business development, provide…

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highest economic

Who needs efficient stock management and why?

Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow for an average and large enterprise producing tangible products. What happens if you think and do otherwise?
The history of this article is not thought out. My mobile and female voice rang at the other end of the line, saying that an enterprise producing important products for rescue services urgently needs to train one employee on the subject of stocks. The caller was called the HR Director of one of the industrial enterprises, considered one of the world leaders in her industry. Continue reading

Enterprise management must be able to generate profits and money
Responsibility for the financial condition of the company lies with the CEO and functional directors…


Practical sense to know the basics of effective enterprise stock management
What is the role of effective inventory management for enterprise logistics? This is a question…
