Contents of the product sales department concept
The head of any level of management should think systematically. The component that makes up…

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Opportunities and threats for Russian capital in Ukraine
Recently, the situation around Russian business in Ukraine has been artificially inflated by information in…

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Opportunities and threats for Russian capital in Ukraine
Recently, the situation around Russian business in Ukraine has been artificially inflated by information in…


The informal venture capital market consists of private investors who invest their personal financial resources…

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best solution

Types of financial consulting – 3 main types

In the international and Russian practice of consulting services, several varieties of financial consulting are used.
Consider the three most popular and popular types of advice.
Type 1. Training Consulting
The customer receives from consultants useful information that helps to put into practice new forms of financial control. Knowledge is transmitted in the form of trainings, less often thematic lectures.
The most effective way to convey to the client the necessary thought is to show him how the information obtained is applied in practice. Continue reading

Effective credit policy of the enterprise
Why is there a need for an effective credit policy? Due to the high level…


Competent financial consulting is the key to your business success.
Competent financial consulting is the key to the success of your business. A talented manager…
