What is financial consulting
Biblical wisdom teaches: "There is no prophet in his own country." Attached to the business,…

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Russian capital ousts the EU from the banking system of Ukraine
“Let me manage the money of the country, and I don’t care who sets the…

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The economic basis of effective management
Effective management of the sales department of products - the center of marginal profit is…


Business management must begin with accurate demand forecasting.
Without the use of mathematical methods of accurate and high-precision demand forecasting, it is impossible…

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economic niches


How do you assess the investment component of Ukraine as a country with a market economy?
Despite a certain political and macroeconomic instability during the last two years, the prospects for investing in Ukraine have noticeably increased. The signing of a protocol on mutual access to the markets for goods and services from the United States effectively ensured Ukraine’s membership in the WTO, which will significantly increase the country’s investment attractiveness. The abolition of the US Jackson-Vanik amendment removes the previously existing restrictions on the markets for credit resources, investments and the export of goods and services. In 2006-2007, only due to this, an increase in exports by at least $ 2.2 billion and foreign investments by $ 1.2 billion is predicted. Continue reading

Competent financial consulting is the key to your business success.
Competent financial consulting is the key to the success of your business. A talented manager…


The company N. was formed. Almost perfect conditions at the start. The company has a…
