stock level
Investors are withdrawing assets from Ukraine, because over the past two years it has become difficult and dangerous for them to work here. Even such a dedicated partner to Ukraine as the EBRD can reduce the amount of investment. The Ukrainian government calls the creation of a favorable investment climate one of the priorities of its activities. In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers regularly reports on the simplification of bureaucratic procedures for business. However, innovation does not make Ukraine more attractive to investors, criticized by experts interviewed by DW. “Over the last two years the investment climate in the country has deteriorated significantly. First of all, this is due to the deterioration of capital protection. Continue reading
Effective sales force management
“Application of the CVP interconnection accounting model beyond the acceptable and relevant range or over long time periods.”
The CVP interconnection accounting model is a convenient model for making decisions on enterprise management within the acceptable range of the “Volume of production (purchase of goods) driver and its sales” driver. Spreading the logic of the accounting model beyond the acceptable range without changing the revenue function from product sales and the enterprise total cost function is an error, since these functions are non-linear over a wider range of changes in driver values. Continue reading
Practical sense to know the basics of effective enterprise stock management
What is the role of effective inventory management for enterprise logistics?
This is a question of what is primary and what is secondary in the logistics of an enterprise. Or, in other words, where the horse should be: in front of the cart or behind it.
The logistics function “Inventory management” is a “horse” in relation to all other logistics functions of an enterprise that are “cart”. The role of effective inventory management for the enterprise’s logistics is the master or the leading one: first, a decision on effective inventory management must be made (designed), and then this decision must be “recalculated” into the content of other enterprise logistics functions, including “Warehousing” and “ Management of transportation of goods in the input and output logistics of the enterprise “. Continue reading