What does “effective inventory management” mean?
Let us analyze this phrase in parts: stocks, management, efficiency. Inventories (stocks - eng.) -…

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Effective management of the sales department of the enterprise.
Forecast revenue from sales of products for the item position is equal to the product…

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Opening a company in the UK
Law Firm will provide you with full legal support for your UK business. Doing business…


Enterprise management must be able to generate profits and money
Responsibility for the financial condition of the company lies with the CEO and functional directors…

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How do you assess the investment component of Ukraine as a country with a market economy?
Despite a certain political and macroeconomic instability during the last two years, the prospects for investing in Ukraine have noticeably increased. The signing of a protocol on mutual access to the markets for goods and services from the United States effectively ensured Ukraine’s membership in the WTO, which will significantly increase the country’s investment attractiveness. The abolition of the US Jackson-Vanik amendment removes the previously existing restrictions on the markets for credit resources, investments and the export of goods and services. In 2006-2007, only due to this, an increase in exports by at least $ 2.2 billion and foreign investments by $ 1.2 billion is predicted. Continue reading


The informal venture capital market consists of private investors who invest their personal financial resources in new and growing small firms. They are called “informal investors”, or “business angels” (business angels).
Much less is known about this market than about the activities of venture funds. One of the significant differences between venture capital companies and business angels is that the former manage other people’s funds while the latter invest their own funds.
Most business angels are successful entrepreneurs who have significant experience in developing their own business. A smaller part are highly paid specialists in large companies, such as top managers, consultants, lawyers, etc. Continue reading


The current crisis has shown businesses and politicians that betting on speculative operations and inflating the market cannot be a long-term development strategy. The future of Ukrainian business in the transition to a post-industrial type economy, dominated by services, high technology and infrastructure. Such changes require a system of incentives for venture investments, which play an important role in ensuring the country’s competitiveness. It is no coincidence that states with a developed venture capital market (USA, Japan, Germany, UK) act as the largest exporters of high technology products. In these countries, a key role in the search and development of high-risk startups belongs to associations of private investors, the so-called business angels. If we evaluate the volumes of venture investments, then the investments of private investors there exceed the volumes of large institutional investors. Continue reading

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Practical sense to know the basics of effective entrepreneurship
Stocks love an individual approach to themselves, as money loves silence, and people have an…


Business management must begin with accurate demand forecasting.
Without the use of mathematical methods of accurate and high-precision demand forecasting, it is impossible…
