Types of financial consulting - 3 main types
In the international and Russian practice of consulting services, several varieties of financial consulting are…

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The reasons for the financial crisis in an enterprise can be both a general market…

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Practical sense to know the basics of effective enterprise stock management
What is the role of effective inventory management for enterprise logistics? This is a question…


Effective sales force management
“Application of the CVP interconnection accounting model beyond the acceptable and relevant range or over…

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cash flow

Types of financial consulting – 3 main types

In the international and Russian practice of consulting services, several varieties of financial consulting are used.
Consider the three most popular and popular types of advice.
Type 1. Training Consulting
The customer receives from consultants useful information that helps to put into practice new forms of financial control. Knowledge is transmitted in the form of trainings, less often thematic lectures.
The most effective way to convey to the client the necessary thought is to show him how the information obtained is applied in practice. Continue reading

Tales of Consulting Tribes
The development of the consulting services market goes through the same stages as other business…


Modern enterprise logistics and its functions
To begin with, how to determine the level of development of its logistics achieved by…
