Management Consulting for Your Business
Nowadays, "financial consulting" is becoming increasingly popular and is actively developing. Many who have simply…

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Effective management of the sales department of the enterprise.
Based on the fact that the highest goals of the company's business are the optimal…

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Effective credit policy
If your business does not improve, it will certainly deteriorate. Continuous improvement process means that…


How financial consulting activities are carried out - 7 main stages
As with any other complex intellectual process, consulting is a long and phased procedure. Preliminary…

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crucial relationships


The reasons for the financial crisis in an enterprise can be both a general market downturn, an incorrectly chosen development strategy, and inefficient management work. Regardless, universal tools can be used to take a company out of a crisis: cost reduction, sales promotion, cash flow optimization, work with debtors, and payables restructuring.
Diagnosing Financial Crisis
The speed and methods of overcoming the crisis largely depend on what causes it and how quickly it will be revealed. In the process of developing the financial crisis, four main stages can be distinguished: Continue reading


Coaching is one of the ways to learn to learn effectively. It originated in the 90s of the 20th century. This was the period of the emergence of such communication methods as the Internet, mobile communications, Skype, etc. New communications put forward new requirements for people using them. First of all, the ability to acquire and assimilate new knowledge and skills – that is, to learn. At present, the success of any commercial organization depends on the rate at which new information is applied to current operations, problems, and opportunities.
Most of us were trained in the same standard way – at school, college, institute, university. We learned to read, write, count, solve logical problems, memorize information. In this case, the physiological substrate of such training is the neocortex – the cerebral hemispheres with their cortex. Continue reading

Such statements are well founded, but most importantly - have a significant impact on other…


Organizational Diagnostics as a method of improving the company
Often, the work of consultants in the organization of the customer reminds the notorious doctor's…
