Professional assistance in conducting financial consulting - an overview of the TOP-3 service companies
The market of consulting services in Russia and the CIS has not yet reached the…

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Устройство канализации
Organizational Diagnostics as a method of improving the company
Often, the work of consultants in the organization of the customer reminds the notorious doctor's…

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How to activate the employee. Motivation through communication
And capable, and hardworking, and the company loves, and has long been working ... The…


Practical sense to know the basics of effective enterprise stock management
What is the role of effective inventory management for enterprise logistics? This is a question…

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previous obligations


The reasons for the financial crisis in an enterprise can be both a general market downturn, an incorrectly chosen development strategy, and inefficient management work. Regardless, universal tools can be used to take a company out of a crisis: cost reduction, sales promotion, cash flow optimization, work with debtors, and payables restructuring.
Diagnosing Financial Crisis
The speed and methods of overcoming the crisis largely depend on what causes it and how quickly it will be revealed. In the process of developing the financial crisis, four main stages can be distinguished: Continue reading

Effective credit policy of the enterprise
Why is there a need for an effective credit policy? Due to the high level…


Professional assistance in conducting financial consulting - an overview of the TOP-3 service companies
The market of consulting services in Russia and the CIS has not yet reached the…
