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Individual written consulting from Business Consulting

The service “Individual written counseling” is one of the services provided by the company “Business Consulting Igor Chugunov.” The content of this service is related to the provision (sale) to the customer of a textbook, authored by business consultant Chugunov Igor Ivanovich, under the program of any of the open training modules (section “Training programs and their modules”).
Valuable learning text and visualizing its drawings (diagrams, tables, diagrams) of the textbook are printed on A4 paper and stitched with a special plastic spring and covers into a readable textbook of 150 … 220 sheets depending on the topic.
This tutorial is one of the components of the service “Written and oral counseling in the group in the format of an open training module”, held on schedule: each participant receives a training manual, the author of which is business consultant Chugunov II, on the topic of the module.
The content of the training manual fully complies with the training program of the open training module, includes the best modern world knowledge on the topic of the module, contains a large number of demonstrations, calculations, examples from practice, beautifully illustrated. The manual of each module is built according to the scheme “Technology of effective management in context.” This means that the textbook describes the technology (step by step) of optimally increasing net profit and net cash flow by managing a system of important factors of marketing, logistics, production, finance and personnel, on which the efficiency of the enterprise depends. In this case, the description of the technology accompanies the context – a system of classical knowledge from simple to complex, which allows a deep understanding of technology. With the help of several parts of the video under the title “Individual written counseling” you can get detailed information about this service: it is better to see and hear at least once.
In a number of practical situations, the service of individual written counseling is in demand from the managing owners of the enterprise, top managers, middle managers and specialists:
(1) along with the need for training on the topic of the module, you do not have time to visit the open training module for two days, even if you work in Kiev;
(2) along with the need for training on the topic of the module, you do not have time to travel to Kiev and participate in a two-day training module, which requires a total of three to four days;
(3) along with the need for training on the topic of the module, you are limited in the cost of traveling to Kiev to attend a two-day training module;
(4) you want to get a study guide before training on the module and be much more prepared before participating in it, to ask the lecturer as many questions as possible about applying the knowledge of the module to the situation of your company and get the most accurate answers to them;
(5) you want to reduce the cost of high-quality training by 2 … 2.5 times, refusing to travel to Kiev, the cost of living in Kiev, but receiving a high-quality training manual, which is organized on the basis of the principle “If you know how to read, then success in learning how to “you are assured.”
In these cases, you can use the service of individual written counseling, sending an order to purchase a textbook on one or several topics of training modules. The cost of the service is 50% of the cost of training in an open module: from 1894 UAH to 1999 UAH depending on the topic for 1 textbook, VAT is not charged, taking into account the cost of mail delivery of the booklet with the textbook to the address specified by the customer in the contract.
The service is provided after the payment of the invoice. If necessary, an agreement on consulting on business and management is signed. The term of the service includes the time for the production of the training manual (1 … 2 days) and the mailing time, which is practically 5 … 7 days, taking into account weekends and holidays from the date of payment for the service.
After paying for the individual written advice and registration of the act of providing this service to the customer, upon his request, the opportunity to participate in an open training module on the same topic is provided in accordance with the schedule of open training modules after prepaying the full cost of training on the module. For example, with the cost of training on the module 3997 hryvnia and the purchase of individual written counseling services costing 1999 hryvnia, it will be necessary to pay 1998 hryvnia to participate in the open training module on the same topic.

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