How to activate the employee. Motivation through communication
And capable, and hardworking, and the company loves, and has long been working ... The…

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Basics of Effective Entrepreneurship
How does optimal stock management and effective inventory management compare? Optimal inventory management is SKU…

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Effective credit policy of the enterprise
Why is there a need for an effective credit policy? Due to the high level…


How do you assess the investment component of Ukraine as a country with a market…

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technology accompanies

Contents of the product sales department concept

The head of any level of management should think systematically.
The component that makes up the economy of a country, a sector of an economy, or a region is an enterprise — a business entity performing it for profit. Let’s understand “what is coming from” and how it is necessary to determine the purpose, functions, powers and responsibilities of the structural division of the enterprise “Department (department) of product sales.”
In the future, the product sales department means the product sales department, a sales branch or any other structural unit of the enterprise, functionally intended to sell its products, which can be:
(1) the sales department of industrial products of any sector of the economy, i.e. enterprises producing and selling finished products, works or services; Continue reading

Individual written consulting from Business Consulting

The service “Individual written counseling” is one of the services provided by the company “Business Consulting Igor Chugunov.” The content of this service is related to the provision (sale) to the customer of a textbook, authored by business consultant Chugunov Igor Ivanovich, under the program of any of the open training modules (section “Training programs and their modules”).
Valuable learning text and visualizing its drawings (diagrams, tables, diagrams) of the textbook are printed on A4 paper and stitched with a special plastic spring and covers into a readable textbook of 150 … 220 sheets depending on the topic. Continue reading

Technology How to efficient complex motivation
The described technology of motivation is a necessary component of knowledge of a competent manager,…


In any business, communication skills and negotiation skills are difficult to overestimate. Professionals know that…
