Effective management of the sales department of the enterprise.
Based on the fact that the highest goals of the company’s business are the optimal increase in net profit, positive net cash flow and increase in the market value of the enterprise, for the product sales department represented in the financial structure of the enterprise the simple marginal profit center model should be installed and used to effectively manage it following key (financial) indicators:
(1) marginal profit (for the center of marginal profit);
(2) a contribution to the coverage of fixed costs of the enterprise (for the center of marginal profits);
(3) revenue from sales of products (for the income center);
(4) total direct costs (for a cost center);
(5) direct variable costs (for a cost center);
(6) direct fixed (imputed) costs (for a cost center).
This list of key (financial) indicators of the activities of the product sales department is also a list of management objects to be managed by the head of the product sales department (sales branch) – the center of marginal profit to achieve the marginal profit target and the contribution target to cover the company’s fixed costs.
The “management of the management object” means planning the state (value) of the management object in a future period of activity, implementing the plan, monitoring the fact deviation from the plan, developing and implementing solutions that reduce the fact deviation from the plan.
In the training manual of the training module, the training information is maximally visualized using graphic flowcharts and drawings. A separate figure illustrates the algorithm for calculating the marginal profit of the sales department, the contribution to cover the fixed costs of the enterprise and the net profit of the enterprise for a situation when there is only one sales department in the structure of the enterprise. This algorithm includes all key (financial) indicators of the activities of the product sales department – the center of marginal profit.
A more sophisticated graphical algorithm has also been developed for consistently calculating the marginal profits of each product position, the marginal profits of each sales department, the contribution of each sales department to cover the company’s fixed costs, marginal profits of the enterprise and net profits of the enterprise, the organizational structure of which contains several sales departments of products-centers of marginal arrived.
All articles on the training module “Effective management of the sales department (sales branch) – the center of marginal profit”, published on this site, are intended to inform potential customers about the content of this training module, and not for a detailed description of the training information. This site does not support software publishing of graphical flowcharts and tutorial drawings.
Come to the training in the company “Igor Chugunov Business Consulting” and you will receive a detailed printed textbook with training text and a large number of graphic flowcharts and drawings, as well as a CD with Excel-models.
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