Principles of consulting.
Philosophical history Any business as a living organism. Can a company successfully develop on its…

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Investors are withdrawing assets from Ukraine, because over the past two years it has become…

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The reasons for the financial crisis in an enterprise can be both a general market…


Business management must begin with accurate demand forecasting.
Without the use of mathematical methods of accurate and high-precision demand forecasting, it is impossible…

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marginal profit

Who needs efficient stock management and why?

Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow for an average and large enterprise that produces material goods. What happens if you think and do otherwise?
The history of this article is not thought out. My mobile and female voice rang at the other end of the line, saying that an enterprise producing important products for rescue services urgently needs to train one employee on the subject of stocks. The caller was called the HR Director of one of the industrial enterprises, considered one of the world leaders in her industry. Answering her questions about how “Business Consulting Igor Chugunov” can help in solving this task, and when I heard “well, then I will send an application for training,” I was interested in the question of the main reason that made me an enterprise interested in learning inventory management. Continue reading

Enterprise management must be able to generate profits and money

Responsibility for the financial condition of the company lies with the CEO and functional directors of the company. They must be able to generate profits and money. “Igor Chugunov’s Business Consulting” is ready to help with this through their training.
What do the terms “financial condition of an enterprise” and “effective enterprise” mean?
The term “financial condition of an enterprise” means the results of an assessment of the ability of an enterprise to generate net profit, positive net cash flow, increase its market value, pay for its short-term and long-term financial liabilities in a timely manner and in full, retain its financial independence when raising borrowed capital. Continue reading

Basics of Effective Entrepreneurship

How does optimal stock management and effective inventory management compare?
Optimal inventory management is SKU inventory management that meets any criterion (rule) of optimality, i.e. the best fit rule. The criterion of optimality consciously or unconsciously selects the subject of management, for example, a specialist in inventory management. Consequently, the correctness or inaccuracy of the choice of inventory management criteria determines the optimality or nonoptimality of their management.
The criterion for optimizing the inventory management of an enterprise should best suit its marketing, production, logistical and financial situation and the highest economic goals of the enterprise. Continue reading

Management Consulting for Your Business
Nowadays, "financial consulting" is becoming increasingly popular and is actively developing. Many who have simply…


Modern enterprise logistics and its functions
To begin with, how to determine the level of development of its logistics achieved by…
