Modern enterprise logistics and its functions
To begin with, how to determine the level of development of its logistics achieved by…

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Самостоятельное строительство домов из бруса
Effective management of the sales department of the enterprise.
Forecast revenue from sales of products for the item position is equal to the product…

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Coaching is one of the ways to learn to learn effectively. It originated in the…


Rubik's Cube in Counseling
Training, as a tool, relates to training counseling. From the point of view of the…

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limited consumer

What is financial consulting

Biblical wisdom teaches: “There is no prophet in his own country.” Attached to the business, this phrase takes on a special meaning. Company employees are almost always critical of changes coming from within.
There are common situations when management attempts to change the existing state of affairs at an enterprise stumble upon a reinforced concrete barrier of rejection, worsen the psychological climate in the collective and destroy the corporate spirit.
Another reason why independent attempts to improve the structure of a business are failing is the elementary lack of necessary knowledge and skills of full-time employees.
In such a situation, the invitation of third-party specialists seems to be the most reasonable and expedient way to solve the problem. Experienced consultants invited from the outside take on the functions of impartial arbitrators who understand the company’s affairs in an unbiased, sober and competent manner. Continue reading

Accelerate your business, become a leader!

At different stages of the life cycle of an enterprise, they face complex business problems which require highly qualified specialists in a particular field of activity. But just to attract a specialist to find the problem and find its solution is not enough, because in order for the solution to work it needs to be embedded in a computerized enterprise management system, for example:
You analyze the system of relations between the company’s managers and wholesale customers and make decisions that the manager must personally communicate with such customers at least once a month. But how to check this if contact records are kept in the diaries of managers? Continue reading

Who needs efficient stock management and why?

Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow for an average and large enterprise that produces material goods. What happens if you think and do otherwise?
The history of this article is not thought out. My mobile and female voice rang at the other end of the line, saying that an enterprise producing important products for rescue services urgently needs to train one employee on the subject of stocks. The caller was called the HR Director of one of the industrial enterprises, considered one of the world leaders in her industry. Answering her questions about how “Business Consulting Igor Chugunov” can help in solving this task, and when I heard “well, then I will send an application for training,” I was interested in the question of the main reason that made me an enterprise interested in learning inventory management. Continue reading

Coaching is one of the ways to learn to learn effectively. It originated in the…


Accelerate your business, become a leader!
At different stages of the life cycle of an enterprise, they face complex business problems…
