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What is needed to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment? What makes it possible to stand out from the standard list of similar similar proposals? Answers to these and other questions – in this article.
Today, in order to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment, managers realize that we need unconventional moves, innovative products and a not trivial offer to the market. It is thanks to this that one can stand out from the standard list of heaps of similarity and similar sentences.
People who are “at the helm” of companies are well aware of the importance of ideas in business development. If the manager is truly a leader, then business will not stagnate and monotony threatens. Those. people with leadership potential are necessarily creative. So many researchers of leadership claim (S.Kovi, U.Bennis, A.Menegetti, P.Druker and many others.), All the leaders are creative. Ideas materialize into products and solutions, and products and solutions into money. To help themselves, they attract creative people, marketing professionals, innovators, whose duty is to “create new and unusual.”
Such efforts are both productive and non-productive. Why so
is obtained?
There are three reasons:
1. Standard ideas
2. Lack of faith in the idea
3. Discrepancy to the market, target audience.
If the miscalculations in promotion are the result of non-professional actions, then the lack of faith and the standardity of the idea lies exclusively in the personal plane.
Here are some examples of those who have mastered the limiting beliefs, both their own and those around them, and who believed in the idea:
In 1859, professional drillers on Edward Drake’s proposal to cut through an oil well said: “Drill an oil well? Do you mean to drill the earth in order to try to find oil? You’re crazy! ”Thanks to Edward Drake’s dedication to his idea, wells were opened. Now the oil business is one of the most profitable and political-forming in the world.
The edition of the Literary Digest in 1899 wrote: “A car, without a doubt, will never become the same type of transport as a bicycle.” But Henry Ford did not think so.
In 1962, the record company DECKA refused to cooperate with the British group, saying: “We don’t like their sound, and indeed the guitar music is decaying.” This group was called the Beatles. Musicians, being faithful to “their” music, did not go to the commercial standard and confidently created their music. They have become a living legend.
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak tried to interest large electronic companies with their personal computer development: “We came to Atari, then Hewlit Packard. And we were told, like you, we do not need. You have not finished college. They gave up and went to create their own company, where they could realize all their ideas into reality. This is the company “Apple Computers”. Breakthroughs in business have always struggled with harsh rejection of contemporaries.
Prejudices were, are and will be. Here are examples of some of them:
The manager of Western Union, refusing a new technology, in 1876, stated: “This phone has too many flaws to seriously consider it as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value. ”
French professor Pierre Pasha said: “The theory of the existence of some microbes, developed by Louis Pasteur, is a silly fiction”
Business Week magazine in 1958: “Although sales of imported cars could reach 425 cars in 1959, they will never repeat this record again. Two years later, only Japanese cars were sold in the USA 3 times more than the number mentioned. ”
The above ideas were extremely new to their era and caused powerful resistance, lack of understanding and opposition to the environment. In any case, belief in an idea, a product, is step No. 2. First you need to create something truly unusual and new. Because of this, I would like to pay special attention to the issue of the nature of innovative and revolutionary solutions.
What are they, the leaders who were able to create a “breakthrough” in their era thanks to the novelty? In this context, from the list of leadership qualities, it is important to see what gives rise to non-standard solutions. This is an unconventional way of thinking.
Unconventional thinking is the absence of stamps, rooted stereotypes that set the framework. This framework directs our thoughts exclusively through narrow corridors.
People with non-template thinking have wider corridors. We can not say that they are not at all. All live in society and are part of a single information space. But these people may think wider, see deeper, accept the incoming, and not push him away just because it is unusually strange. Anyone can
develop a creative creative part. These abilities are trained. Of course,
they can not be compared with talent, but go beyond the templates, if desired, and strength of mind,
may many.

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