Principles of consulting.
Philosophical history Any business as a living organism. Can a company successfully develop on its…

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Principles of consulting.
Philosophical history Any business as a living organism. Can a company successfully develop on its…

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Effective sales force management
“Application of the CVP interconnection accounting model beyond the acceptable and relevant range or over…


Individual written consulting from Business Consulting
The service "Individual written counseling" is one of the services provided by the company "Business…

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ideas in business development


What is needed to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment? What makes it possible to stand out from the standard list of similar similar proposals? Answers to these and other questions – in this article.
Today, in order to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment, managers realize that we need unconventional moves, innovative products and a not trivial offer to the market. It is thanks to this that one can stand out from the standard list of heaps of similarity and similar sentences.
People who are “at the helm” of companies are well aware of the importance of ideas in business development. If the manager is truly a leader, then business will not stagnate and monotony threatens. Continue reading

Business and Law. Features of the national market for consulting services
Today, in the face of fierce competition and a decrease in consumer demand, the market…


Such statements are well founded, but most importantly - have a significant impact on other…
