calculating inventory
Investors are withdrawing assets from Ukraine, because over the past two years it has become difficult and dangerous for them to work here. Even such a dedicated partner to Ukraine as the EBRD can reduce the amount of investment. The Ukrainian government calls the creation of a favorable investment climate one of the priorities of its activities. In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers regularly reports on the simplification of bureaucratic procedures for business. However, innovation does not make Ukraine more attractive to investors, criticized by experts interviewed by DW. “Over the last two years the investment climate in the country has deteriorated significantly. First of all, this is due to the deterioration of capital protection. Continue reading
Russian capital ousts the EU from the banking system of Ukraine
“Let me manage the money of the country, and I don’t care who sets the laws there,” these words of Rothschild are probably the basis of the redistribution on the Ukrainian banking market.
European banks withdraw their capital from Ukraine, offer their subsidiaries for sale or preserve them until better times. Frustrated Europeans sell their daughters much cheaper than they purchased. They are bought by people close to the government of Ukraine and Russia.
Since 2008, already 15 foreign banks have stopped working in the Ukrainian market. Only in 2012, seven foreign banks disappeared from Ukraine. According to the Austrian financial group Raiffeisen Bank International AG, the share of foreign banks (except for Russian banks) in the Ukrainian market continues to decline. At the end of 2012, the share was 20%, and within one or two years the share is projected to fall to the level of 2003 – 10%. Continue reading
In any business, communication skills and negotiation skills are difficult to overestimate. Professionals know that the greater the “polarity”, the distance from the common goal, the more difficult it is to negotiate.
Of course, negotiations between the collector and the debtor (especially the debtor who refuses to repay the debt) are classified as the most difficult and “hard”, because in addition to the “polarity” of goals, there is also the polarity of the methods and tools used to achieve these goals. If the debtor uses the entire “arsenal” of convictions, from direct threats and obscene language to hysterics and crying, then the collector has such a set of “instruments” of influence limited by the law and the ethics of business negotiations. Continue reading