consultant will
In any business, communication skills and negotiation skills are difficult to overestimate. Professionals know that the greater the “polarity”, the distance from the common goal, the more difficult it is to negotiate.
Of course, negotiations between the collector and the debtor (especially the debtor who refuses to repay the debt) are classified as the most difficult and “hard”, because in addition to the “polarity” of goals, there is also the polarity of the methods and tools used to achieve these goals. If the debtor uses the entire “arsenal” of convictions, from direct threats and obscene language to hysterics and crying, then the collector has such a set of “instruments” of influence limited by the law and the ethics of business negotiations. Continue reading
Effective credit policy of the enterprise
Why is there a need for an effective credit policy?
Due to the high level of competition in the food market, the situation is such that in order to increase the attractiveness of its products, enterprises are forced to lend to wholesale-level operators, and those, in turn, retail stores. As a result, a significant part of the company’s current assets is always concentrated in accounts receivable for works, goods and services.
Enterprises have to increase accounts receivable in order to achieve their economic goals, which can be expressed using an absolute financial indicator – “Net profit” and a relative indicator – ROCE (return on capital employed – profitability of working capital). Both indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise, which is expressed in the fact that the organization “does what is needed in a proper way”. Continue reading
How financial consulting activities are carried out – 7 main stages
As with any other complex intellectual process, consulting is a long and phased procedure.
Preliminary stage – the choice of a consulting company. You need to choose a company as carefully and thoroughly as you choose a clinic for treatment. The future of your business depends on it.
The main selection criteria are experience, professionalism, the number of closed projects, the level of specific consultants.
Stage 1. Conclusion of an agreement with a consulting company
The contract is the main document regulating your relationship with consultants. Continue reading