Effective sales force management
“Application of the CVP interconnection accounting model beyond the acceptable and relevant range or over…

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How do you assess the investment component of Ukraine as a country with a market…

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Russian capital ousts the EU from the banking system of Ukraine
“Let me manage the money of the country, and I don’t care who sets the…


Types of financial consulting - 3 main types
In the international and Russian practice of consulting services, several varieties of financial consulting are…

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demand money back


Such statements are well founded, but most importantly – have a significant impact on other sectors of the economy. Today, the winners are those who have already transferred their business to whatever industry it belongs to, on the rails of e-commerce.
One of such companies is the representative of the German company TWL Contrado GmbH – the company LLC “Company Euroconsulting”, which, thanks to the use of various tools of Internet marketing, is developing dynamically in regional and international markets. Continue reading

How financial consulting activities are carried out – 7 main stages

As with any other complex intellectual process, consulting is a long and phased procedure.
Preliminary stage – the choice of a consulting company. You need to choose a company as carefully and thoroughly as you choose a clinic for treatment. The future of your business depends on it.
The main selection criteria are experience, professionalism, the number of closed projects, the level of specific consultants.
Stage 1. Conclusion of an agreement with a consulting company
The contract is the main document regulating your relationship with consultants. Continue reading

How to activate the employee. Motivation through communication
And capable, and hardworking, and the company loves, and has long been working ... The…


The informal venture capital market consists of private investors who invest their personal financial resources…
