Contents of the product sales department concept
The head of any level of management should think systematically. The component that makes up…

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Improving the company's business processes
What is a company (enterprise, organization, institution): a set of structural units (departments, divisions, bureaus,…

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Opening a company in the UK
Law Firm will provide you with full legal support for your UK business. Doing business…


Learn what is first needed in business to maximize net profit.
Learn and learn what is needed in business. In the article “Who needs effective stock…

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framework governing


The current crisis has shown businesses and politicians that betting on speculative operations and inflating the market cannot be a long-term development strategy. The future of Ukrainian business in the transition to a post-industrial type economy, dominated by services, high technology and infrastructure. Such changes require a system of incentives for venture investments, which play an important role in ensuring the country’s competitiveness. It is no coincidence that states with a developed venture capital market (USA, Japan, Germany, UK) act as the largest exporters of high technology products. In these countries, a key role in the search and development of high-risk startups belongs to associations of private investors, the so-called business angels. If we evaluate the volumes of venture investments, then the investments of private investors there exceed the volumes of large institutional investors. Continue reading

Russian capital ousts the EU from the banking system of Ukraine
“Let me manage the money of the country, and I don’t care who sets the…


Who needs efficient stock management and why?
Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow…
