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To help those who open their own business, create favorable conditions for business development, provide benefits for all undertakings – the key tasks that business incubators successfully accomplish (organizations that support newly established enterprises). In world practice, it is these structures that are considered the best stimulators for the development of small and medium-sized businesses and have recently become increasingly popular. In Ukraine, the first incubators appeared in the early 1990s and now there are 60–70 registered. However, there are very few successful examples of assistance in establishing a business, while in neighboring countries such institutions work more than effectively. “Status” asked officials, experts and entrepreneurs:
Opinions of officials Continue reading
How to activate the employee. Motivation through communication
And capable, and hardworking, and the company loves, and has long been working … The employee, who wants to see the majority of managers.
An employee with whom there are difficulties, emotional and professional costs, most of the managers, when his eyes “faded away” and the interest in the work done was lost.
It is good if the company can offer growth prospects and a new position. And if not? Well, if he is motivated solely by money. And if not? And he perceives financial motivation as a due circumstance that no longer inspires him.
It is good when a manager can give a new position to an employee painlessly for the productive work of a department, company. And if not? Continue reading
The company N. was formed. Almost perfect conditions at the start. The company has a separate line in the country’s budget for the purchase of resources from producers. Delivery by suppliers (they are founders) of goods on credit with payment in a year. Almost a monopoly in its market. The old security system in connection with the collapse of one empire just collapsed before our eyes, and the new one has not yet been created. In such conditions, the company grew by leaps and bounds. This growth of the company lasted about seven to eight years. Colossal momentum, in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Developed new activities. But over time, other players began to appear on the market. They filled their niches or simply took into account the mistakes of the main competitor, thereby taking away his market share. With company N, the same thing happened. Competitors won new positions, working with clients not on “soviet” ministerial approaches. Continue reading