demand for the product
The company N. was formed. Almost perfect conditions at the start. The company has a separate line in the country’s budget for the purchase of resources from producers. Delivery by suppliers (they are founders) of goods on credit with payment in a year. Almost a monopoly in its market. The old security system in connection with the collapse of one empire just collapsed before our eyes, and the new one has not yet been created. In such conditions, the company grew by leaps and bounds. This growth of the company lasted about seven to eight years. Colossal momentum, in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Developed new activities. But over time, other players began to appear on the market. They filled their niches or simply took into account the mistakes of the main competitor, thereby taking away his market share. With company N, the same thing happened. Competitors won new positions, working with clients not on “soviet” ministerial approaches. Continue reading
Business management must begin with accurate demand forecasting.
Without the use of mathematical methods of accurate and high-precision demand forecasting, it is impossible to provide high-quality solution of managerial tasks for the optimal increase in net profit, positive net cash flow and company value.
Reflections on the need for accurate and high-precision forecasting of demand (production consumption) of consumers for products.
In professional management, there are several axioms. The axiom, as we know, does not require proof, since its truth is obvious, which follows from the age-old experience. Continue reading
Who needs efficient stock management and why?
Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow for an average and large enterprise producing tangible products. What happens if you think and do otherwise?
The history of this article is not thought out. My mobile and female voice rang at the other end of the line, saying that an enterprise producing important products for rescue services urgently needs to train one employee on the subject of stocks. The caller was called the HR Director of one of the industrial enterprises, considered one of the world leaders in her industry. Continue reading