Practical sense to know the basics of effective enterprise stock management
What is the role of effective inventory management for enterprise logistics? This is a question…

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Career in audit and consulting
For quite a long time, analysts have seen a steady growth in demand for specialists…

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Practical sense to know the basics of effective entrepreneurship
Stocks love an individual approach to themselves, as money loves silence, and people have an…


Competent financial consulting is the key to your business success.
Competent financial consulting is the key to the success of your business. A talented manager…

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current consumer


The current crisis has shown businesses and politicians that betting on speculative operations and inflating the market cannot be a long-term development strategy. The future of Ukrainian business in the transition to a post-industrial type economy, dominated by services, high technology and infrastructure. Such changes require a system of incentives for venture investments, which play an important role in ensuring the country’s competitiveness. It is no coincidence that states with a developed venture capital market (USA, Japan, Germany, UK) act as the largest exporters of high technology products. In these countries, a key role in the search and development of high-risk startups belongs to associations of private investors, the so-called business angels. If we evaluate the volumes of venture investments, then the investments of private investors there exceed the volumes of large institutional investors. Continue reading

Who needs efficient stock management and why?

Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow for an average and large enterprise producing tangible products. What happens if you think and do otherwise?
The history of this article is not thought out. My mobile and female voice rang at the other end of the line, saying that an enterprise producing important products for rescue services urgently needs to train one employee on the subject of stocks. The caller was called the HR Director of one of the industrial enterprises, considered one of the world leaders in her industry. Continue reading

Individual written consulting from Business Consulting
The service "Individual written counseling" is one of the services provided by the company "Business…


The reasons for the financial crisis in an enterprise can be both a general market…
