Learn what is first needed in business to maximize net profit.
Learn and learn what is needed in business. In the article “Who needs effective stock…

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What is needed to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment?…

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Practical sense to know the basics of effective enterprise stock management
What is the role of effective inventory management for enterprise logistics? This is a question…


Effective credit policy
If your business does not improve, it will certainly deteriorate. Continuous improvement process means that…

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fixed costs


What is needed to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment? What makes it possible to stand out from the standard list of similar similar proposals? Answers to these and other questions – in this article.
Today, in order to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment, managers realize that we need unconventional moves, innovative products and a not trivial offer to the market. It is thanks to this that one can stand out from the standard list of heaps of similarity and similar sentences.
People who are “at the helm” of companies are well aware of the importance of ideas in business development. If the manager is truly a leader, then business will not stagnate and monotony threatens. Continue reading


Coaching is one of the ways to learn to learn effectively. It originated in the 90s of the 20th century. This was the period of the emergence of such communication methods as the Internet, mobile communications, Skype, etc. New communications put forward new requirements for people using them. First of all, the ability to acquire and assimilate new knowledge and skills – that is, to learn. At present, the success of any commercial organization depends on the rate at which new information is applied to current operations, problems, and opportunities.
Most of us were trained in the same standard way – at school, college, institute, university. We learned to read, write, count, solve logical problems, memorize information. In this case, the physiological substrate of such training is the neocortex – the cerebral hemispheres with their cortex. Continue reading

Contents of the product sales department concept

The head of any level of management should think systematically.
The component that makes up the economy of a country, a sector of an economy, or a region is an enterprise — a business entity performing it for profit. Let’s understand “what is coming from” and how it is necessary to determine the purpose, functions, powers and responsibilities of the structural division of the enterprise “Department (department) of product sales.”
In the future, the product sales department means the product sales department, a sales branch or any other structural unit of the enterprise, functionally intended to sell its products, which can be:
(1) the sales department of industrial products of any sector of the economy, i.e. enterprises producing and selling finished products, works or services; Continue reading

Competent financial consulting is the key to your business success.
Competent financial consulting is the key to the success of your business. A talented manager…


Effective sales force management
“Application of the CVP interconnection accounting model beyond the acceptable and relevant range or over…
