Russian capital ousts the EU from the banking system of Ukraine
“Let me manage the money of the country, and I don’t care who sets the…

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Effective credit policy of the enterprise
Why is there a need for an effective credit policy? Due to the high level…

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How financial consulting activities are carried out - 7 main stages
As with any other complex intellectual process, consulting is a long and phased procedure. Preliminary…


What does “effective inventory management” mean?
Let us analyze this phrase in parts: stocks, management, efficiency. Inventories (stocks - eng.) -…

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raises the question


“Somehow I was present at the discussion of one startup. The head at that moment was filled with problems of my own business, and I did not respond to the results of the presentation. As a result, my colleague, who invested $ 100,000 in this project, received almost $ 100 million at the output, ”Alexander Galitsky sighs with regret. It was one of those rare occasions when an IT guru let down his instincts.
Alexander – Sasha, as he is called in the community – Galitsky founded several IT companies. He managed to attract investment from Western venture capital funds, and then partially sell the business to industry leaders such as Sun Microsystems and Telenor. Continue reading

Opportunities and threats for Russian capital in Ukraine

Recently, the situation around Russian business in Ukraine has been artificially inflated by information in the media about the threat of confiscation of Russian assets in response to the nationalization of Ukraine’s state property in the Crimea. Therefore, the issue of assessing real threats and business opportunities and investing Russian capital in Ukraine is quite relevant.
As it may sound incredible now, in the medium term, for Russian private investors, Ukraine can become an attractive territory for investment. And those who can retain their positions now and benefit from new opportunities that are associated primarily with the upcoming reforms and the influx of Western capital into the economy of Ukraine will benefit. Continue reading

Accelerate your business, become a leader!

At different stages of the life cycle of an enterprise, they face complex business problems which require highly qualified specialists in a particular field of activity. But just to attract a specialist to find the problem and find its solution is not enough, because in order for the solution to work it needs to be embedded in a computerized enterprise management system, for example:
You analyze the system of relations between the company’s managers and wholesale customers and make decisions that the manager must personally communicate with such customers at least once a month. But how to check this if contact records are kept in the diaries of managers? Continue reading

Enterprise management must be able to generate profits and money
Responsibility for the financial condition of the company lies with the CEO and functional directors…


What does “effective inventory management” mean?
Let us analyze this phrase in parts: stocks, management, efficiency. Inventories (stocks - eng.) -…
