How to activate the employee. Motivation through communication
And capable, and hardworking, and the company loves, and has long been working ... The…

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Career in audit and consulting
For quite a long time, analysts have seen a steady growth in demand for specialists…

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Types of financial consulting - 3 main types
In the international and Russian practice of consulting services, several varieties of financial consulting are…


Business and Law. Features of the national market for consulting services
Today, in the face of fierce competition and a decrease in consumer demand, the market…

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recalculating the plan

Effective sales force management

“Application of the CVP interconnection accounting model beyond the acceptable and relevant range or over long time periods.”
The CVP interconnection accounting model is a convenient model for making decisions on enterprise management within the acceptable range of the “Volume of production (purchase of goods) driver and its sales” driver. Spreading the logic of the accounting model beyond the acceptable range without changing the revenue function from product sales and the enterprise total cost function is an error, since these functions are non-linear over a wider range of changes in driver values. Continue reading

Basics of Effective Entrepreneurship

How does optimal stock management and effective inventory management compare?
Optimal inventory management is SKU inventory management that meets any criterion (rule) of optimality, i.e. the best fit rule. The criterion of optimality consciously or unconsciously selects the subject of management, for example, a specialist in inventory management. Consequently, the correctness or inaccuracy of the choice of inventory management criteria determines the optimality or nonoptimality of their management.
The criterion for optimizing the inventory management of an enterprise should best suit its marketing, production, logistical and financial situation and the highest economic goals of the enterprise. Continue reading

Organizational Diagnostics as a method of improving the company
Often, the work of consultants in the organization of the customer reminds the notorious doctor's…


Who needs efficient stock management and why?
Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow…
