To help those who open their own business, create favorable conditions for business development, provide…

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Technology for effective marketing pricing "How to"
The name and content of this module reflects several ideas based on an understanding of…

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Who needs efficient stock management and why?
Effective inventory management is a significant tool for increasing net profit, positive net cash flow…


Business management must begin with accurate demand forecasting.
Without the use of mathematical methods of accurate and high-precision demand forecasting, it is impossible…

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receiving a high-quality

Modern enterprise logistics and its functions

To begin with, how to determine the level of development of its logistics achieved by a specific enterprise, since the article will deal with the logistics of a modern enterprise.
Perhaps you are interested to know is your enterprise advanced or has it lagged behind for 50 years? From this depends largely on the prospect of the company to continue its activities or to be destroyed in a competitive war in the coming years. Who destroyed? Of course, more successful competitors and “hands” of consumers who are not satisfied with the quality level of the logistics service of your enterprise.
What is a logistics service? ABOUT! Let’s understand in order. Continue reading

Individual written consulting from Business Consulting

The service “Individual written counseling” is one of the services provided by the company “Business Consulting Igor Chugunov.” The content of this service is related to the provision (sale) to the customer of a textbook, authored by business consultant Chugunov Igor Ivanovich, under the program of any of the open training modules (section “Training programs and their modules”).
Valuable learning text and visualizing its drawings (diagrams, tables, diagrams) of the textbook are printed on A4 paper and stitched with a special plastic spring and covers into a readable textbook of 150 … 220 sheets depending on the topic. Continue reading

Professional assistance in conducting financial consulting - an overview of the TOP-3 service companies
The market of consulting services in Russia and the CIS has not yet reached the…


Technology for effective marketing pricing "How to"
The name and content of this module reflects several ideas based on an understanding of…
