The informal venture capital market consists of private investors who invest their personal financial resources…

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Enterprise management must be able to generate profits and money
Responsibility for the financial condition of the company lies with the CEO and functional directors…

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Improving the company's business processes
What is a company (enterprise, organization, institution): a set of structural units (departments, divisions, bureaus,…


Learn what is first needed in business to maximize net profit.
Learn and learn what is needed in business. In the article “Who needs effective stock…

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maximum production

Technology for effective marketing pricing “How to”

The name and content of this module reflects several ideas based on an understanding of the role of pricing in achieving the highest economic goals of an enterprise related to the optimal increase in net profit, positive net cash flow and the market value of the enterprise.
First, it is a technology, i.e. a logical sequence of actions leading to the achievement of the goal: the creation of effective pricing for the company’s products. Practical pricing or pricing “As is” is often a continuous experiment to find the most optimal price, and on Monday the company thinks about increasing sales by reducing prices, and on Thursday recalls the need to increase profits by increasing prices. Continue reading

Contents of the product sales department concept

The head of any level of management should think systematically.
The component that makes up the economy of a country, a sector of an economy, or a region is an enterprise — a business entity performing it for profit. Let’s understand “what is coming from” and how it is necessary to determine the purpose, functions, powers and responsibilities of the structural division of the enterprise “Department (department) of product sales.”
In the future, the product sales department means the product sales department, a sales branch or any other structural unit of the enterprise, functionally intended to sell its products, which can be:
(1) the sales department of industrial products of any sector of the economy, i.e. enterprises producing and selling finished products, works or services; Continue reading

Opening a company in the UK
Law Firm will provide you with full legal support for your UK business. Doing business…


The informal venture capital market consists of private investors who invest their personal financial resources…
