Competent financial consulting is the key to your business success.
Competent financial consulting is the key to the success of your business. A talented manager…

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Perceptions Vermont
What is needed to bring the company to a leading position in its market segment?…

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Improving the company's business processes
What is a company (enterprise, organization, institution): a set of structural units (departments, divisions, bureaus,…


Rubik's Cube in Counseling
Training, as a tool, relates to training counseling. From the point of view of the…

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optimal increase


How do you assess the investment component of Ukraine as a country with a market economy?
Despite a certain political and macroeconomic instability during the last two years, the prospects for investing in Ukraine have noticeably increased. The signing of a protocol on mutual access to the markets for goods and services from the United States effectively ensured Ukraine’s membership in the WTO, which will significantly increase the country’s investment attractiveness. The abolition of the US Jackson-Vanik amendment removes the previously existing restrictions on the markets for credit resources, investments and the export of goods and services. In 2006-2007, only due to this, an increase in exports by at least $ 2.2 billion and foreign investments by $ 1.2 billion is predicted. Continue reading

Types of financial consulting – 3 main types

In the international and Russian practice of consulting services, several varieties of financial consulting are used.
Consider the three most popular and popular types of advice.
Type 1. Training Consulting
The customer receives from consultants useful information that helps to put into practice new forms of financial control. Knowledge is transmitted in the form of trainings, less often thematic lectures.
The most effective way to convey to the client the necessary thought is to show him how the information obtained is applied in practice. Continue reading

Technology for effective marketing pricing “How to”

The name and content of this module reflects several ideas based on an understanding of the role of pricing in achieving the highest economic goals of an enterprise related to the optimal increase in net profit, positive net cash flow and the market value of the enterprise.
First, it is a technology, i.e. a logical sequence of actions leading to the achievement of the goal: the creation of effective pricing for the company’s products. Practical pricing or pricing “As is” is often a continuous experiment to find the most optimal price, and on Monday the company thinks about increasing sales by reducing prices, and on Thursday recalls the need to increase profits by increasing prices. Continue reading

The reasons for the financial crisis in an enterprise can be both a general market…


Professional assistance in conducting financial consulting - an overview of the TOP-3 service companies
The market of consulting services in Russia and the CIS has not yet reached the…
